Lis Hartels Mindepris 2022
Lis Hartels Mindepris 2022 blev uddelt på Stutteri Ask Stadium under VM i dressur i Herning i august 2022.
Nathalie zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg modtog prisen for sine mange flotte præstation både som rytter og træner, samt sit store engagement og sin positive indflydelse på dansk dressur i både sport og avl.
Til at overrække prisen var Hendes Kongelige Højhed Prinsesse Benedikte, stifter af og formand for Dressurens Venner, Carsten Lorentzen, næstformand for Dressurens Venner, samt Lis Hartels barnebarn Nicole Siesbye Suhr.
Stort tillykke med Lis Hartels Mindepris 2022.
Herunder er motivationen for valget af Nathalie zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg:
The Danish Friends of Dressage Association has the great pleasure of presenting the ‘2022 Lis Hartel Memorial Award’ to Nathalie zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, in honour of her achievements in and promotion of dressage riding and good horsemanship.
Nathalie has attained worldwide respect for her achievements and sportsmanship. With many years of experience as international dressage rider, Nathalie won several Danish Championships and helped secure the team bronze medal at the Olympics Games in Hong Kong in 2008, Denmark’s first Olympic team medal. She also achieved great success in training her homebred horses up to international Grand Prix level.
As a board member of the International Dressage Riders Club, Nathalie has always actively supported riders and advocated for the welfare of horses. While training the Danish dressage team, she combined her in-depth knowledge and experience in dressage, and devoted her energy in providing reliable and trustworthy support to the riders.
A sincere advocate for well-educated horses, she stays true to her principle of “getting there, slowly”. Founded on a well-thought-out plan she always gives young and upcoming horses time to develop and mature, thus laying the foundation for a “happy athlete”.
It is fair to say that Nathalie has had a very positive influence on the success of Danish Dressage and has earned respect world-wide, as well as in Denmark.
Many congratulations with this year’s 2022 Lis Hartels Memorial Award.
Foto: Jytte Lemkow